Sprott Games

To inspire minds of all ages and stages to embrace learning through video games that challenge, excite, and expand the mind.

Creative Worlds

Play in diverse games that are designed to promote imagination and creativity for all ages.

Have Fun Learning

We strive to be an educational company; bringing in fun, innovative ways to learn.

See the World Differently

We know everyone learns differently, so we have tried to incorporate various learning styles into our products.

About Us


A producer of innovative video games that are designed to educate and entertain. 

Our Products

Educational video games that cover a wide range of learning goals and skill development, with additional elements specifically for children with Autism. 

Our Target Audience

Parents and teachers of children, including children with a diagnosis on the Autism spectrum. 

Children with Autism

There are many things you can do to help a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) overcome their challenges.

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