About Our Company

About Sprott Games

Inspiring gamers of all ages to learn, have fun, and see the world differently 


When a game is challenging, engaging, and fun, something magic happens. Distractions disappear, the world falls away, and time flies by.

Add educational concepts to the mix and that magic becomes alchemy, creating an experience that goes beyond just gaming or studying. Kids and grown-ups alike fall into a blissful focus where they can grasp concepts not just with ease, but with joy. They build skills and make discoveries that lay the foundation for a lifelong love of learning.

Sprott Games are conceived at this intersection of education and entertainment. Designed to appeal to a wide range of learning styles, our line of educational video games and activities invites gamers into creative worlds that inspire imagination and open up possibilities for seeing in a new way.

What’s more, our games are innovative and inclusive, with special features that are created to be engaging for children with a diagnosis on the Autism spectrum. From focus-boosting puzzles and memory matches to curiosity-provoking draggable interactive objects, our game elements nourish these young minds to grow, expand, and explore.  

About Founder Richard Sprott

Sprott Games is the brainchild of Richard Sprott. A lifelong gamer and game creator, Richard’s passion for exploration led him to a career in the US Air Force and to travel to 25 different countries. Enlisting as an F-16 Crew Chief, he was later selected to be an instructor, which is when he found his affinity for teaching. A stint in Korea and a promotion to Development and Instruction Element Chef followed, cementing Richard’s calling as an educator and creator.

At home, Richard is a proud husband and father to two sons. His oldest was diagnosed with Autism at the age of two. Like many parents of children with Autism, Richard struggled to find resources that were geared to the specific needs of his son. So, he decided to develop his own with Sprott Games. These learning-focused games feature new and innovative worlds that are inspired by Richard’s travel and life experiences and incorporate elements specifically for autistic children, such as interactive sensory objects, that cater to their learning needs and preferences.

Executive Summary

Sprott Games

A producer of innovative video games that are designed to educate and entertain.

Our Products

Educational video games that cover a wide range of learning goals and skill development, with additional elements specifically for children with Autism.

Our Target Audience

Parents and teachers of children, including children with a diagnosis on the Autism spectrum.

Our Vision and Mission

To inspire minds of all ages and stages to embrace learning through video games that challenge, excite, and expand the mind.

Our Concept Arts

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